Dyslexia Training Resources, Australia

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Margaret Ellis Tutoring offers information, advice and resources relating to teaching students in Australia who have Dyslexia. With the right materials, we can help all ages who have reading and writing difficulties. With a tailored and structured curriculum, coupled with regular testing, we can improve your confidence in literacy. Contact us today to learn more.

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Margaret Ellis

About Margaret Ellis

Formal courses included a Graduate Diploma in Special Education, the Visualising/ Verbalising and Auditory Disorder Discrimination courses, as well as Multilit (through Macquarie University) and the week long course with the Australian Dyslexia Association (ADA) in 2010. I completed a Bachelor of Psychology degree in 2011. 

  • More About Margaret

    I also completed informal training with various teaching colleagues in Reading Recovery/ Logic Of English/ SRA/ Lindamood-Bell and Visualising & Verbalising.

    I started teaching in 1971 with the NSW Education Department, teaching Kindergarten and First classes. This is when my passion began for helping those who can’t read/ spell/ write. 

    I taught all Kindergarten to Year 6 mainstream classes, Special Education classes, worked as a Vision support teacher for 15 years and as a private tutor for 49 years.

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The Magic Bullet

During  my 45 years of teaching I was always researching better ways to teach reading. After a serious car accident in 2002, I was medically retired. This is when I began seriously to look for the best way to help those who can’t read, spell or write.

I found that Multilit worked wonders for some of the students I was tutoring, but not the true dyslexic, who find rote learning and speed trials difficult. In 2010, I finally found what I consider the “magic bullet” for correcting literacy losses in the Australian Dyslexia Association course: the Orton Gillingham multi-sensory method and learning the phonic structure of the English language.

The resources

The resources (some free and some with a fee), and the training course on this website represent all the information I have gathered over the last 53 years. 

I am hopeful that this vast volume of resources will be valuable to those working with dyslexic students. The training programme is very detailed and requires commitment to complete, but it WORKS. 

I hope that I can complete this last stage of my teaching life by training as many people as possible in this logical, structured, phonics-based programme.

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Testimonial 1

Alison K, Parent

All the years that Zac has been at school, he has NEVER known whether to put an extra sound on the end of the word when adding an ending. Since you explained the cop rule to him, he has never made that mistake again. Zac was in year 6. The cop rule: in a 3 letter consonant-vowel-consonant word, add an extra consonant to keep the vowel short, when adding an ending (hop/ hopping). To keep the vowel long, don’t add an extra consonant (ripe/ ripen)

Sascha M, Parent

Thanks for you help Margaret. Angus just had so much trouble in First and Second class and by the time he reached Third class, he was so unhappy at school, it was heart breaking. His classroom teachers kept saying that he was doing ok and that he would “catch up” when he matured..... He was young when he started school..... But he just didn’t. When you explained that he was missing basic knowledge of specific sounds and showed me how to get him to practice writing these sounds/ ways to remember them and then doing daily rapid reading of the Sound and word practice cards and writing the alphabet, I couldn’t believe the difference in his confidence. You tutored him for 3 months and we did the program at home every day and in those 3 months he had caught up with the rest of the class and actually knew things that even the teacher didn’t know..... Things like being careful of the schwa sound. 

David F, Parent

I have always felt so much guilt over James’ troubles at school, because I had the same hatred of reading.... And the same feeling of helplessness and stupidity at school. I have always felt like I have given him a horrible contagious disease like Aids. When you explained how the brain works during reading and spelling and that James just needed to understand how English works, to learn the sounds and how to put them together in words, I felt so much better. It has been a long road and I don’t think that James will ever enjoy reading, but he is improving. He especially loves rules like Charley spent Christmas in Chicago because it makes sense of some of the illogical aspects the English language and is therefore easier for him to remember.

Jenny W, Class Teacher

Thank you for telling me that David could not hear some of the blends correctly. .... That he thought that /tr/ was actually written and said as /chr/. His mother got his hearing checked and took him to a speech pathologist who is treating him for 3 other blend confusions. David was in a large blended family and no-one had realised he had specific language processing problems. 

Wendy F, School Counsellor

Thank you so much for helping Jake. He was just being so disruptive in class, he was spending more time outside the Principal’s office than in the classroom. I had always thought he was dyslexic and your assessment confirmed it. Tutoring him once a week and then setting up the training program for his teacher’s aide, so she can continue the program 5 days a week, has been just wonderful. He is steadily progressing in his literacy skills and is much happier in himself and no longer being disruptive.

Mandy M, Parent

Susan has the same trouble I had at school. Hopeless at reading, spelling and putting her thoughts into writing. She was never going to catch up because she was 14 when you were tutoring her and had such a mindset against trying any more..... But you introduced us to the technology that could help her read text and the technology that could help her write and this was really helpful. It meant that she could access and communicate information better. Also you helped to get her extra time and a scribe during exam times which meant that she did really well in her Year 10 exams. Thanks so much!!

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